Fur analysis with therapy

Fur analysis with therapy

Sale price199.00 CHF

  1. Order your analysis on this page.
  2. Fill out the form received by email following the purchase
    (Sending may take up to 5 minutes. If you have not received anything, please check your spam folder.)
  3. Return the completed form as well as your direct debit of horsehair/hair to the address indicated.
  4. The results are sent approximately 2 weeks after receipt of your sample.

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Tailor-made preparation

The Laboratories specializing in Oligotherapy, offer to analyze your hair to carry out a mineral assessment, in order to know your deficiencies and your excesses, detect the presence of heavy metals, in order to make one or more tailor-made mixtures aimed at rebalancing your body.

How to proceed with the collection?

For a good quality analysis, it is very important that the sample is carried out correctly:

  • Cut several strands of hairs at the root in different places along the neckline, carefully avoiding areas where flea or tick lotions could have been applied.
  • Keep the first 3 to 4 centimeters from the root (or the whole hair if it is short) for a total volume of approximately one tablespoon and place them in an envelope.
  • The samples are analyzed.
  • You will receive the results and comments within the following 15 days

It is advisable to carry out a new analysis after a year to observe the evolution of your animal.< /p>


Within 15 days you will receive your personal results and the findings made. By going through your pharmacy or drugstore, you can also obtain advice and recommendations for 2 vials of trace elements adapted to the results of your analysis.

You are advised to carry out a new analysis after one year to observe the evolution of your hair assessment.

Questions ?


This analysis is not a simple observation of the hair. Each sample is then immersed in an acidic solution to make it liquid and analyzable in its mineral composition.

It is therefore an analysis that takes time, which is why the reception time for results and their interpretation is about two weeks. Each assessment is interpreted by a specialist, and then the treatments are prepared individually.

The interest is to conduct a mineral balance, an inventory: what are the deficiencies? What are the excesses? Are there heavy metals in the body?

Many people conduct these analyses to check for the presence of lead, mercury, or aluminum, all these metals present in our environment that unfortunately, we can store in the body.

The main reason for conducting a hair analysis is mainly to highlight deficiencies in trace elements observed in the body.

It's very simple with easy sampling, it's not like a blood test where you have to go to the laboratory, the hair collection can be done at home.

This sample is therefore very easy to take and can be sent by post. What is very important is to fill out the questionnaire correctly, which will help us to interpret the mineral balance more precisely, then to prepare the trace element mixtures. In the harvest, there is no need for the bulb. It is therefore a painless sampling.

Cut the hairs as close to the root as possible to obtain a quantity of three to five grams, which represents a large tablespoon.

Another way to measure the right quantity is to open your hand and completely cover the palm (in surface). If the palm is covered, there is enough hair.

If the hairs are long, it is best not to include the tips because the tip of the hairs is less interesting. The goal is to make a mineral balance, at the moment, the hair growing regularly, by analyzing the first three to five centimeters, we have an average of mineral fluctuations over the few months preceding the analysis. So, it is ideal to keep a segment of 5 cm maximum in length.

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