Comment supporte notre estomac alors qu’il est rempli d’acide ?

How does our stomach cope when it is full of acid?

How does our stomach cope when it is full of acid? Acid reflux = danger  It is still believed that heartburn and acid reflux are caused by too much acid in the stomach. It's wrong ! The ...
Les bienfaits du drainage lymphatique

The benefits of lymphatic drainage

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE Heavy legs, water retention or cellulite? For all of these situations and more, manual lymphatic drainage is an excellent option. Here are the benefits of this massage tech...
Comment nettoyer son foie ?

How to clean your liver?

LIVER AND BILE DETOXICATION CURE When the seasons change, a liver cleanse helps eliminate accumulated toxins. A particularly important detox in spring to erase winter fatigue and give your body...
Les bienfaits du beurre de karité

The benefits of shea butter

SHEA BUTTER Shea butter is a vegetable oil, an edible substance extracted from the fruits of the shea tree, a tree growing mainly in the wooded savannahs of West, Central and East Africa, and w...
Comment soigner une crevasse ?

How to treat a crack?

Natural breastfeeding and cracked breasts Very common, cracks are the main cause of breastfeeding pain. Their management is based on correction of the position within the breast, care to accele...
Comment prévenir les crampes nocturnes ?

How to prevent nighttime cramps?

Know the causes of night cramps: poor posture; cold ; intense physical effort causing a lack of mineral salts; dehydration; joint problems in the foot or knee; the pregnancy ; ...
Comment prévenir un cors au pied ?

How to prevent a corn on your foot?

What is a callus? The callus is a thickening of the skin of the foot at pressure points . The toes and the arch of the foot often have these pads which are a little thick, painless and hardened...